The Impact of Your Financial Support
Mental health services have become technologically more accessible, but finances can still present a barrier. Though insurance can help decrease the barrier, services may not always be well covered by insurances and sometimes the amount of services may be limited. As such, we've broken down how your financial support can help us provide a variety of trauma-informed therapeutic services to meet the individual needs of our Kentucky neighbors. The below information is provided as a financial "snapshot" of the type and level of services commonly needed but for some may often involve financial barriers to accessing the services whether due to insurance coverage limitations, being uninsured, or various financial hardship scenarios.
Individual Therapy Package: $840
1 Intake Session & 8 Therapy Sessions
*Delivered as 2 months of weekly of 4 months of bimonthly sessions
Intake Sessions include:
Comprehensive Mental Health Screening
Bio-Psycho-Social History
Treatment Plan
Therapy Sessions include:
53-60 minutes of therapeutic support
Symptom monitoring and management
Trauma Processing
Skill Building
Post-Therapy Goal Planning

Intensive Outpatient Program Package: $240/Intake Session + $255/day
1 Intake Session & 16 IOP Daily Sessions
*Delivered as four 3-hour days per week for
four weeks in-person or via Telehealth
Intake Sessions include:
Comprehensive Mental Health Screening
Bio-Psycho-Social History
Treatment Plan
IOP Sessions include:
3 hours of therapeutic
group-based support -
Symptom monitoring and management
Trauma & PTSD Education
Trauma Processing
Skill Building
Post-Therapy Goal Planning
Group Therapy Package: $580
1 Intake Session & 4 Group Sessions
*Delivered as one weekly 1.5-hour group session
for four weeks in-person or via Telehealth
Intake Sessions include:
Comprehensive Mental Health Screening
Bio-Psycho-Social History
Treatment Plan
Group Therapy Sessions include:
1.5 hours of therapeutic
group-based support -
Symptom monitoring and management
Trauma & PTSD Education
Trauma Processing
Cognitive Coping Skill Building
Post-Therapy Goal Planning
IMPACT Community
Educational Event: $75/person
1 Intake Session & 4 Group Sessions
*Delivered as one 1.5-hour community-based workshop
for community leaders, school leaders, guardians/parents
IMPACT event includes:
Education on Community Violence
Trauma & PTSD Education
Skill Building
Resource Networking
Social Supports Building
All participants receive educational materials, community resources information, and referrals for therapeutic services.

Alternative Donation Options
For convenience, additional avenues for donating are provided to match your preference for payment vendor type.
Donate with Card, ApplePay,
Google Pay, CashApp, Link
PayPal Donation

Resource Donation Drives &
Social Determinants of Health
The TICC Foundation aims to remove barriers preventing our Kentucky neighbors from having access to much needed therapeutic resources. We also recognized that having increased access to other resources, such as food, diapers, jackets, school supplies, etc., can have a therapeutic effect as well. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services identifies the role of social determinants of health as impacting health, functioning, and quality of life. The TICC Foundation also understands this from a holistic perspective: One cannot experience effective psychological relief if there is great distress felt in other arenas of life. For that reason, The TICC Foundation operates multiple resource "drives" through the year to increase social and community support to our neighbors.
Volunteerism Opportunity
At the end of each Donation Drive, The TICC Foundation hopes to collaborate with volunteers to...
organize donations
pack donations
operate donation drive event
If you and/or someone you know is interested in volunteering, contact us! For anyone needing record of volunteer hours, submit documentation to TICC Owner/Executive Clinical Director Dr. Lauren Downey for completion.

Back-to-School Donation Drive
Backpack & School Supplies Donations Accepted
May 1 - June 1

Thanksgiving Food Donation Drive
Donations of Dry Goods & Preservatives Accepted
October 1 - November 1

Winter Coat Donation Drive
Jacket & Coat
Donations Accepted
September 1 - October 1
The TICC Foundation, Inc.
80 Codell Dr., Ste 230
Lexington, KY 40509
(859) 309-2877

© 2023 by The Trauma-Informed Counseling Center Foundation Inc